After I was done exploring "Goose Poop Park" I drove across the Bridge of the Gods (cool name!) If you don't know, Indian lore says that the two mountains on either side of the Columbia got into a fight and threw rocks at each other creating a bridge...this is what I remember being told as a kid...I notice the bridge is made out of metal....
I drove home to let the cat in and turn on all the lights before driving over to Shannon and Galen's house to watch Invictus. I was happy to have an invite because the idea of being home alone for the evening didn't sound fun... But I really didn't want to come home to an empty house. So I let the "guard cat" in :) and turned on the lights and locked all the doors and then headed out for movie night at the Drakes...
I got home around 11:30 and had the whole do I take an ambien or not dilemma but then decided to tough it out. I woke up at 1:30 and thought oh no, here we go, but then the next thing I remember was the "guard cat" meowing at 5:30 am so it went well...
Sunday morning I had plans to do a bike ride in Portland with my Mom. I was really looking forward to this. But not only did my man take my boys and my dog away for the weekend he also took my I had to take my bike apart and cram it into his trunk. This involved a blanket, a bungee cord, two emergency stops along the way and then having to reassemble the bike when I arrived in Portland...
I'm the first to admit that I am a kept woman and I enjoy it! I was mildly surprised that I was able to pull it off since I don't usually have to...
The ride was so fun I did it twice. I love riding through old Portland neighborhoods with their fabulous houses and yards. I loved doing the bike ride with my Mom. I can't wait for the next one...
So even though I wasn't alone the entire weekend I still think of it as a weekend alone...
Here is what I learned:
- As often as I have craved some "alone time" I realize what I really want is an hour or two of uninterrupted reading time. But if I want someone around I want them at my beck and call!
- It's one thing if your husband is gone for the night, its another if your husband plus the kids are gone for the night but its a whole new level of alone when they take the dog too!
- I can handle it when an emergency blinky light comes on in the car and I don't have cell service or my husband near by
- I can cram a bike in the trunk and close it with a bungee cord (even if it did take 3 tries)
- I much prefer to be the one who does the leaving...
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