Yesterday we had CAA's annual school picnic. I have no idea when this tradition began...I know that when I was a student at CAA we always had the school picnic at Frenchman's Bar on the second day of school.
Last year they moved it to Merwin Park...Maybe it looked bad to be taking a bunch of teenagers to a bar....;)
It's no longer the second day of school but its still right at the beginning which presents a great opportunity for the classes to bond as they compete against each other in important sports such as tug o war and human pyramid..
The picnic was originally scheduled for Tuesday, but Tuesday was rainy and yucky and the weatherman said that Thur would be gloriously sunny and warm and for once he was right!
Tuesday was a perfect day to have kids in the classroom learning and yesterday was the perfect day to have kids outside playing!
As far as I'm concerned volleyball is the most important part of the school picnic! I'm proud to announce that the faculty squashed the seniors...seriously, they should be embarrassed! ;)
So that was is Friday and the weatherman says it will be above 80 for one more day...unfortunately we must go back to the classroom.
On another note, "happy birthday" to me and all the many friends and hubby who have or have had a birthday in the last couple days. Clearly Dec/Jan is a "cozy" month! ;)
Have an awesome Labor Day weekend!
Yes Happy Birthday to you!