Friday, November 19, 2010


Why did I tell my 13 year old that I would make him a pie?

The boy doesn't even eat pie!

He announced to me on Tue that Friday was Pie day at school and he signed me up to make a pie...

So, I was signed up to make a pie...

Hmmm, I wondered...when exactly would I be able to make this pie?

I'll tell you when...9:34 PM Thur night...

So my counter had to look like this....

So I put on this...

and whipped up some of this...

and then it looked like this...

and then I added those...

and then I began to wonder...
What is going to happen to this made from scratch pie?
This pie that is made by an exhausted mother
very late in the evening?

Will it be savored? enjoyed? Ohhed and ahhhed over?
My kid will turn his own little nose up at because he doesn't like pie...
It will be tossed on a table with various other pies and picked over and probably coughed on and most likely sneezed on by one or more of the little darlings...

And then it suddenly occurred to the slow witted Mom...
I could have bought one!!!

I love cherry pie!
It smells amazing right now!
I won't even get a piece!!!


So why did I make the pie?

Because my kiddo asked me to...

Ok, I'll be honest, I say no to plenty of things he asks of me.
Here's the truth - I'm slipping in the polls!

Both of my boys clearly think their dad is cooler than me...
Most times they prefer his company!
He watches cooler stuff on TV...
He lets them get away with stuff...
He gets their lame jokes...
He joins them in terrible table manners...

The list really could go on...
but I'll stop
Because I'm tired and I have to get this stupid pie out of the oven...

Oh, but I didn't answer the question...
I did it in an effort to win my kids affection...
There I admitted it...

But I'm really regretting it...



I'm keeping it!
I'm going to the store in the moring to buy one
So, if you want some, I would love to share it with you!

1 comment:

  1. I love your cherry pie! (It's amazing!!) I would love a bite or two. You are an amazing mom Shelly! They will come around and remember again that they have the coolest mom ever!
