Friday, December 3, 2010

One Week Closer...

Reality check friends...

Last week we were doing this...

Everything was still Orange and pumpkeeny....

Why do my boys look like they are sloshed????


Now we are a week closer to Christmas people!

This dude has replaced my pumpkins...
Out with the pumpkins and in with the Christmas chaos!

I drag in large boxes of Christmas "stuff" 
I pack up anything orange or brown...
and I try to create "Christmas" in my home...

Isn't he just to cute!  I have no idea where he came from but I take him out of the box every year and display him....

I brought this guy home with me from Austria...

It's really quiet a transition...
Orange and Red aren't a smooth transition...
Suddenly pumpkins look hideously out of place...

and the first week of Christmas anticipation has already passed!

It's so much in such a short period of time...


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