Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Heart to heart

I have committed to something...
Actually, I have committed to many things over my life...
Sometimes I feel good about those commitments and other times they are really scary...

I was asked to do something, and I really hesitated and even initially said no...
Then I said yes...

I worry about my ability...
I worry about my motive...
I worry...

Now it is looming in my future and it is stressing me out...
I need to relax...
Give it to God...
Trust in Him and not myself...

Ego, is a tricky thing...
Is it good? Is it bad?
Is it wrong to want to do well?
Is that pride?

There are things in this life that I want to be good at...
I want to be "known" for...
Is that bad?

In life we all have purpose...
It's a good day when we feel like we have fulfilled or are living up to, our purpose
It is a stressful day when we are asked to stretch, reach, go beyond our comfort zone
and when we do go beyond our comfort zone we want praise, right?  It's not just me???
We don't want to fall on our face, we don't want it to be a disaster...

This week at CAA is SWOP
Kids are being so brave.  Speaking to their school on topics such as purity...

Life is often about being brave...
Sometimes it's easier to be brave than others...

I'm searching for courage...



  1. Shelly you are gifted in what you've agreed to do and God will be with you in doing it. You are just like the rest of us in your desire to do well and be acknowleged and appreciated for what you do.

  2. I think all the feelings you mentioned are normal and healthy! Whatever it is that's coming I'm certain you will knock it out of the park.. cuz you're good like that. *grin

  3. You are beyond Fabulous girl!
    Whatever it is I pray for peace for you. God will use you to His glory. For the record, I think it is a human nature to want to be recognized for our hard work and efforts. It is whether we turn that praise back to glory to God for giving us the talents and ability, instead of keeping all the glory for ourselves.
