Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mary Anne

 A few weeks back when Jeff and I ran away to Seattle for the weekend we came across this...
We were driving on 101 through the Olympic Peninsula, I was in the drivers seat because the roads were curvy and I like to pretend I'm a race car driver...
The sun was shinning and I was thinking how happy I was to live in such a beautiful area...
Then suddenly I saw a flash of orange and rust and the words Mary Anne and I slammed on the breaks, whipped a Uie...

It was Mike Mulligan's steam shovel Mary Anne!

It was one of my favorite books as a kid and as a parent.
It's fun to read and I thought it was the coolest thing to find this sitting on the side of the road

So if you haven't heard about Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel Mary Anne who can dig as much in a day as a hundred men can dig in a week....
and if you've never heard of Bangerville, Bopperville and Kipperville, Kopperville and Popperville....
Well, your just missing out


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