Friday, November 11, 2011

In a nut shell

 The first picture is here just because I love it... and I figure my Mom will to  :)

If I had a picture for the highlights of this week they would look like this...

I woke up Sunday morning compelled to grab my camera and get out of bed and take some pictures

Then I would have a picture of me mowing the lawn and my husband digging up potatoes and tilling the garden...

Then I would have a picture of Volleyball...

Then I would have a picture of working on my Master's class...

I do have a picture of one of the many evenings (but sadly not all) I found myself here at our church..

This week our youth pastor has planned a series of meetings "Youth Essentials".  Each night begins with dinner and then kids get up and speak about our church, our teachings, etc.  It's been awesome! My mom, Judy and I made dinner on night one.  It was fun and its been awesome to enjoy dinner the other nights.  I vote for the church to provide dinner for my family every night!

Here's a picture of some of what we have been working on this week at school...

This week is the week before Fall Festival....
It's a ton of work! Fortunately I have hardworking, talented SA officers who have been AMAZING :)
And we even called in the retired Mr. Belin to help :)

I also made top secret banquet arrangements...

I would have a picture of me grading Latin America reports and grading tests on South America...

I would have a picture of me forgetting an appointment and forgetting to tell someone something they needed to know...

I would have a picture of me sitting through Parent Teacher Conferences...

And then I would have a picture of me (escaping early from P/T conferences)running across the street to see this young man preach...

He did really great!  He seems to be a natural up front!  Preach it Brother Fry!

And then I would have a picture of me dropping the ball on a few other things... I've dropped the ball on at least five different things this week...

Oh well...I don't feel like playing catch right now anyway...

See ya tomorrow night!



  1. Weeks like that sure do teach us about capacity don't they! You've had a lot going on. Hope your weekend goes smoothly!

  2. I miss that kid Josh a lot! I wish I could have been there to hear him speak. Hope Fall Fest went well!
