Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The other side...

Life has been a series of events of late...

End of school year...
End of teaching for me...?
Joshua graduating from high school...
Mini vacation in San Diego...

Look at that proud grandpa sitting in the pew...this makes me tear up every time I look at it...

My family means the world to me...

Joshua's Great-grandparents were here to watch their 3rd great-grandchild graduate from high-school.  I love these pictures.  Joshua has such a loving heart.

And now I'm here...
And I don't want to be...

On the other side of these events lurks the date June 20...
The date Josh leaves for camp and my daily interaction as his mother is over...
Life will just be so different...and when I try to picture what it will be like with one less kid around it just seems sad to me...
Jeff says its just the cycle of life and we should be proud and excited for him....and I am I really am but I'm sad for me...

Isn't everything about me?

It's an interesting place to be...realizing just how ridiculously close you are to being back to just the two of you...I remember all the money spent on babysitting because we had this desperate longing for it to be "just the two of us" even if it meant just for a few hours...

So I will stand in the driveway bright and early Thur morning and as many other mothers have done I will watch my first born drive away and I really will try to be brave for him - It's not fare to him to see me sad.  He is excited...so excited and rightly so - I certainly was - Its a time in his life that he is so ready for and I'm so proud of him.



  1. So glad you are blogging again!!! You have every right to be proud of Josh! He's grown up to be a lovely young man. I'll give him a hug for you at camp. =)

  2. When will you be up at camp? I may send you some stuff for Josh :)
