Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Stress - II

Part I

"They" emailed this morning while Jeff was in a meeting with a large hospital group discussing his future in their organization. "They" being Florida asked Jeff to give them a call back. Which he promptly did and only got a voicemail..... Then we waited allllll daaaay for the call back.
Phones at the ready. Nothing, Nada, Zippity DooDah, Zilch!
Waiting is such a drag!

Other people called. Local people. One set up a phone interview for tomorrow morning at 8am. This is good news.
His meeting with the large hospital organization went well. They talked about future. They discussed possibilities... They assigned resources to help him find a job within the organization. They seemed very helpful...

3 different potential employers in one day and still no direction.
I should be hopeful, my loving and patient husband pointed out to me while I had him on the phone. I was walking down a sidewalk in SW Portland on my way to one of my favorite places on earth Powells Books! I was angry, I was emotional, I was scaring the panhandlers gathered at the corner.

I just need something concrete. I'm tired of people showing interest. Interest is grand IF it develops into something concrete.

I realize I'm sounding like a spoiled brat. I have felt strangely unemotional this past week. I kept wondering about that. Was I past the point of caring??? Well, today everything came back and apparently I still do care, very much!

Part II

Update: "They" called. We are not moving to Florida!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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