Friday, January 6, 2012

My morning...

The first thing I heard at 6 am was the one of my offspring banging around and then the shower turning on...
Since they don't have school until 8:50 today I wondered "what the heck?" and rolled over...
Then my husband got up at some point and banged around and I thought "what the heck?" and rolled over...
Then my husband was waking me up and I thought "go away!" But then I thought better of it and asked what time it was, and he informed me it was 7:15 and all of the hot water was gone...

Have you ever done that?  Woken up earlier than planned and then fall back to sleep for what you swear is only moments to find an hour has gone by...

The hot water is a big issue around here!  We have plenty! I mean lots and lots of hot water... We have had as many as 8 people take REASONABLE showers and all were toasty in the process.

However, I have the biggest hot water HOGS on the planet! My husband and I have tried everything to convince the brats to take 10 min showers.  Honesty what are they doing in there!!!!!!!!!!!!  I have long hair which needs washing, conditioning, I have unwanted body hair that needs shaving (sorry) and I can accomplish all that in 10 min...

Josh and Ty are the only ones who had hot water this the time Jeff took his shower it was only lukewarm which means I'm still waiting for my shower...

Which meant I drove the kids to school in my jammies and then I decided a SB Chai sounded delightful and drove to SB in my jammies.  As I was driving I thought of my Grandma who always warned to never go out without clean underwear in case you were in an accident (???) and I thought how appalled my Grandma would be to know I was out and about without any underwear (again sorry TMI!)
But then I thought if I do get into an accident it is the boys fault for HOGGING the hot water!

Happily I managed to pick up my chai and make it home safely all the while singing along to my new Adele CD

and now for my hot shower...


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