Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ugh a bug!

Today I'm sick so this will be brief...

I hate being sick! I like everyone else, don't have time for it...
I have been fighting it since Sunday nights auction...
Yesterday I had lots to do and just kept moving...

Then last night at around 8 I gave in...
I decided to accept what my body was telling me and "be sick"
I called for a sub..
I went in to the school at 8:30 pm and made sub plans...

I then came home and sank into the whiny moaning I'm sick mode....
This morning my husband left early as usual, but thankfully my boys have always been great
about getting themselves up and ready for school.

All I had to do was drive them to school (in my jammies) and now I plan on some quality coach time...

On a bright note, my husband bought us a garden tiller!  I can't wait to get my garden going!



  1. Sorry Shelly.
    We might be catching the same thing. I feel like I got run over by a semi... sore throat, migraine, congested. ugh. I will be sending up prayers that this passes for you soon.
    Hugs lady.

  2. Hope you both feel better soon!!

  3. Sorry you are sick. Hope you are on the mend soon. I bet youve finished your book by now :)
