Monday, October 17, 2011


1.  Today I received 98/100 on the paper I agonized over last week.  It's the best score I've gotten in this class so far... :)

2.  Today I made serious progress on my next paper which is due Sunday...Constitutional protections for criminals..I'm writing on the Fourth Amendment.  I studied in the beautiful new library in downtown Vancouver which is why...

3.  Today I found myself walking peacefully through Ester Shore Park in downtown Vancouver, possibly the safest "city" in the world and found myself scurrying to my car because of a huge fight which was breaking out amongst those who live in parks...

4.  Today I loved the sunshine and wished I had the time to find a pumpkin farm with sunflowers and apples...

5.  Today I managed prepare for tomorrows class

6.  Today I made homemade macaroni and cheese for Ty

7.  Today I made Ty smile...

8.  Today I hope to beat Jeff at racquetball

9.  Today I need to begin reading my book club club meets Wed!

10.  Today I miss my boy who is working hard in Kentucky


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great day! Awesome job on your paper! Love the fall pictures... so pretty. Love that your blogging.
