Tuesday, February 8, 2011

7 days a week...

The first weekend in April is my 25th high school reunion!

I know you're shocked!  And yes, that's me at my high school graduation with my future hubby...

I couldn't possibly be so old...

In my attempts at staying youthful I try to stay active...

Sunday, I began the week with flag football, with a bunch of teenagers...

Monday, I began the morning with an hour work out at the club...
then I played basketball in the evening with the high school girls.....

Tuesday, I plan on being more gentle and I'm going to Yoga...

Wednesday I will be skiing with my boy...

Thursday I plan on being so sore I won't be able to move

Friday I will justify all my eating on the exercise I did all week...

Saturday is a day of rest but I will probably at least walk the dog if not a hike...

Sunday I will begin again with Volleyball...

I think I'm on a hamster wheel...

I graduated from CAA and CAA has a long standing tradition of having an Alumni basketball game on the Saturday night of Alumni weekend.

Every time I play it gets harder and harder to not make a fool out of myself running around with all those youngsters!  I am excited about playing in it at my 25th.  But man, it's getting harder!

Jeff went to Walla Walla on Sunday.  He decided to spend some time with his grandparents who turn 90 this spring.  At the end of this month they will celebrate their 71st wedding anniversary!  Just think about that for a minuet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They are so cute!

I wonder how long Jeff and I will be married?

He will be home at 2 today.  I miss him!
I've had to do the laundry and the cooking and stuff!

Man it's gonna be an adjustment when he goes back to work!

I hate sleeping alone...
I really hate it when our lovely dog decides to bark her head off at 12:30 AM...
I mean like she was defending the place from a large scary man (well that's what I was picturing)
My normally quiet, cheerful dog picked last night to lose her mind.  She sounded like she was gonna rip someone limb to limb...
This should have comforted me...
However, I know my dog and the minute you pat her on the head she will lay down and give you whatever you want

So, while I'd like to believe she would lay down her life to protect me and the boys...
I know beyond a shadow of a doubt she would lay down our lives for a rub on the tummy or something, anything to eat...

So she succeeded in freaking me out as I tried to sleep with out my man beside me...


1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this post. I'm doing better at my exercising too! If you do the walk the dog this weekend I might join you. That was fun.

    I have such a hard time sleeping when Steven is gone that he even agreed to let me get a dog if I want. Not sure I really want, but it was an incredible gesture of love on his part.
