Tuesday, March 22, 2011

War or "conflicts" suck!

Libya - Gadhafi
The US is involved in another "conflict"  That is what we call our wars now...because we are not comfortable calling what we do "war". The American people wouldn't support a "War"  Somehow it sounds better that we are sending our men and women off to a "conflict"

death is death

I don't come from a military background...
Both my Grandfather and my step-dad served in their Wars...
Neither saw combat thankfully

As I listen to the nightly news report on the latest "conflict" in Libya the concern seems to be whether or not we are specifically targeting Gadhafi...
It almost sounds like it would somehow be immoral if we actually killed him...

Yet, the entire reason, justification, for our involvement is because Gadhafi ordered his own people attacked.
So why is it OK to attack and kill Gadhafi military forces (and any civilians who have the misfortune for being in the wrong place at the wrong time) but not OK to target Gadhafi himself?  How is that immoral?
Why not go after the source?  Why not spare thousands of lives?

I am always very conflicted when I think about these situations...
History have given the world some very bad people and a few of them have managed to put themselves into very powerful positions and I have been thankful for those who have made terrific sacrifices for Democracy and civility

However, war makes me sick. The death, the damage, the loss.  It comes at such an incredibly high price...
With all of the World's developments we still can't settle our disputes without blowing each other up...

When I see a soldier I want to hug them...all of them.  I respect and appreciate them tremendously.  However, if either of my boys ever want to "join up" I will do everything in my power to stop it. 
The price is too high for me personally...

I have been very blessed to have been born in America, with all of its stability and modern comforts...
And I have, and I'm sure will be again, indignant when no one steps in to help those who can't help themselves...We seem to be the big brother in the world, the one who steps up when the runt is getting the snot beat out of them and needs someone to step up and make it stop...
This is where I'm conflicted.  I don't believe in standing by and letting things like ethnic cleansing take place.  I also really, really don't like war...

I hate this!


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